June 24 – June 28, 2019

held in the framework of

creatiVE 2019 – 8th Summer School on Virtual Environments – Cultural Heritage Edition

with the support of

CarSAFE - Hybrid platform for visible light communications and augmented reality for the development of intelligent systems for active vehicle assistance and safety, contract no. 21PCCDI/2018, project code: PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-0917, component subproject 2 : Effective smart-based communications in augmented reality interactive scenarios for cars

Current state of virtual and augmented reality technologies pushed the boundaries between our every-day reality and mixed one to limits that make them hard to be distinguished. Our daily phone call, email, meeting, booking or daily action is registered in Internet of Thinks in a way or another, is assisted by bots from Cloud or better (or worst) is done in our place by electronic services, to make “our life better”.

The aim of the 1st Edition of ADMIRE workshop is to bring together the young researchers, PhD students, in the field of virtual and augmented reality and to make them collaborate and put the current technology at work to obtain “a better world”.

We hope that the proposed topics will inspire the contributors to push forward the advancement of technologies and applications of mixed realities with a special interest in cultural heritage and virtual tourism, automotive and industry, teaching and learning, smart environments, etc.


The workshop welcomes papers addressing research and experience reports on various applications of virtual and augmented reality in different domains of human activity. Our topics open-list is the following:

Cultural heritage Automotive Industry
Medicine and health Tourism and Virtual heritage Assisted navigation
Smart environments Teaching and learning Social media
Urban issues Internet of Things Virtual organizations
Simulation Multimedia Gaming


The submissions should be written according with the format T-RRIOC-En.docx and template T-RRIOC-En.dotx, and submitted through EasyChair, following this link https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=admire19. The final version of accepted papers must be sent in DOC or DOCX format. Each paper will be reviewed by at least 3 independent reviewers. The authors will receive a notification regarding the paper acceptance / rejection. The acceptance could be conditioned by minor / major changes required by the reviewers. A selection of the best papers accepted and presented at ADMIRE2019 will be invited for extension and possible inclusion (subject to an additional review process) into issue of Romanian Journal of Human - Computer Interaction (http://rochi.utcluj.ro/rrioc/en/index.html) or Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology (http://jaha.org.ro/index.php/JAHA). All questions about submissions should be emailed to: Crenguta-Madalina PUCHIANU cbogdan@univ-ovidius.ro AND Elena BAUTU ebautu@univ-ovidius.ro


Registration will be made by following the procedure mentioned below:

Procedure 1 - for attendee without paper

Step 1 - send an email of interest at "d m p o p o v i c i at u n i v - o v i d i u s . r o" without spaces. Minimal conditions: PhD student having as research PhD field of interest mixed realities. This will be proved based on the individual research plan.

Step 2 - after receiving a confirmation email, you have to pay the fee of 450 RON using the payment coordinates specified below.

Procedure 2 - for authors

Step 1 - Once your extended abstract is accepted via EasyChair system, you have to pay the fee of 450 RON using the payment coordinates specified below.

Payment coordinates:


Account holder: Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta

IBAN code: RO24TREZ23120F365000XXXX

CUI: 4301332

Payment details: First name, Last name - creatiVE2019/ADMIRE workshop


Once the fee was paid, please send a copy by email at "d m p o p o v i c i at u n i v - o v i d i u s . r o" without spaces, having as subject your payment details.

Program - important dates


Submission of extended abstracts: June 1, 2019

Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2019

Paper registration: June 21, 2019

Workshop: 24 – 28, June, 2019

Date Hour Session
24 Jun 2019 Opening day (AB1 auditorium)
08.30-09.00 Early morning biscuit and coffee
09.00-09.30 Opening - Presenting CeRVA team, OUC facilities and creatiVE's and ADMIRE's colocated events challenges - Dorin-Mircea POPOVICI (CeRVA)
09.30-10.30 Presenting the heritage challenge - Cristian CEALERA (MINAC)
10.30-10.45 Coffee break - don't hesitate to take a biscuit :)
10.45-12.30 Introduction in AR technologies. Part I - Concepts & APIs - Dorin-Mircea POPOVICI (CeRVA)
12.30-14.00 Lunch & group photo
14.00-16.00 Introduction in AR technologies. Part II - Applications - Emanuela BRAN (CeRVA)
25 Jun 2019 DAY 2 (AB auditorium)
09.00-11.30 Assisted guide of Old Town of Constanta - Cristian CEALERA (MINAC)
12.00-13.00 Lunch & group photo
13.00-16.00 An Overview of Methods to Collect Drivers' Preferences for In-Vehicle Input - Laura BILIUS (USM)
26 Jun 2019 DAY 3 (AB auditorium)
08.30-09.00 Early morning biscuit and coffee
09.00-10.30 2D and 3D digitization techniques of cultural heritage - Part I - Calin NEAMTU & Radu COMES (TU Cluj)
10.30-10.45 Coffee break - don't hesitate to take a biscuit :)
10.45-12.30 2D and 3D digitization techniques of cultural heritage - Part II - Calin NEAMTU & Radu COMES (TU Cluj)
12.30-14.00 Lunch & group photo
14.00-16.00 Practice session - Radu COMES (TU Cluj)
27 Jun 2019 DAY 4 (AB auditorium)
08.30-09.00 Early morning biscuit and coffee
09.00-10.30 Cultural Heritage Interactive Dissemination through Natural Interaction - Emanuela BRAN (CeRVA)
10.30-10.45 Coffee break - don't hesitate to take a biscuit :)
10.45-12.30 Development of In-Vehicle Android Applications - Crenguta-Madalina PUCHIANU (CeRVA)
12.30-14.00 Lunch & group photo
14.00-15.30 Contributions to the development of a hybrid platform for visible light communications and augmented reality for the development of intelligent systems for active vehicle assistance and safety - Mihai DIMIAN (USM)
28 Jun 2019 Closing day (AB auditorium)
08.30-09.00 Early morning biscuit and coffee
09.00-10.30 Image processing in authentication of national heritage artworks - Radu COMES & Calin NEAMTU (TU Cluj)
10.30-12.00 Round table - writing paper proposals
12.00-12.30 Clossing session
12.30-14.00 Lunch & group photo


Invited speakers:


Professor, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava (USM)

He's interested in ... TBA


PhD student/research assistant, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava (USM)

She's interested in ... TBA


Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (UT Cluj)

He is interested in 3D modeling, reverse engineering and digitization using different scanners: laser, structured light, multisensory CMM and terrestrial scanners.


Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (UT Cluj)

An industrial engineer focused on computer aided design and 3D scanning. His research is focused on VR and AR technologies applied to cultural heritage and industrial process simulation.

Emanuela BRAN

PhD student/research assistant, Ovidius University of Constanta (UOC)

She's interested in ... TBA

Vasili BRAGA

PhD student/research assistant, Technocal University of Moldavia, Chhisinau (UTM)

He's interested in ... TBA



Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava

Adrian DONE

Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava

Emanuela BRAN

Ovidius University of Constanta

Anata-Flavia IONESCU

Ovidius University of Constanta


Program chairs

Dorin-Mircea POPOVICI - Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania Radu-Daniel VATAVU - Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania

Program co-chairs

Mihai DUGULEANA - Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania Florin GIRBACIA - Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania Dorian GORGAN - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Calin NEAMTU - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Costin PRIBEANU - Academy of Romanian Scientists, Bucharest, Romania Stefan-Gheorghe PENTIUC - Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania

Program committee

Elena BAUTU - Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania Mihai DUGULEANA - Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania Dorian GORGAN - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Florin GIRBACIA - Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
Adrian IFTENE - A.I.Cuza University Iaşi, Romania Calin NEAMTU - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Dorin-Mircea POPOVICI - Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania Costin PRIBEANU - Academy of Romanian Scientists, Bucharest, Romania
Crenguta-Madalina PUCHIANU - Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania Dragos-Florin SBURLAN - Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania Radu-Daniel VATAVU - Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania TBA

Organizing committee

Elena BAUTU - Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania Emanuela BRAN - Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania Anata-Flavia IONESCU - Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania
Dorin-Mircea POPOVICI - Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania Crenguta-Madalina PUCHIANU - Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania Dragos-Florin SBURLAN - Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania


Dorin Mircea POPOVICI, Prof. Dr.Hab.

Research Lab in Virtual and Augmented Reality (CeRVA)

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania

E-mail: d m p o p o v i c i at u n i v - o v i d i u s . r o (without spaces)

Website: http://cerva.ro



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Contact Info

Ovidius University of Constanța
124 Mamaia Blvd.
Constanța, România