creatiVE Summer School 2016

Why search our heritage roots on the Internet when we may discover them in an entertaining way, by the means of third milenium technologies, and integrate them in our personal interpretation. The link with the roots of humanity may become stronger by socially interacting to interpret them. Virtual and augmented reality represents the technology that permits us to bring to life these lost historical periods of time, while protecting the real artifacts for generations to come.

The 5-th Edition of creatiVE Summer School in Virtual Environments is organised at Ovidius University of Constanta by CeRVA Lab of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science in a partnership with National History and Archaeology Museum of Constanta and Transilvania University from Brasov, the latest being supported by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 692103, project eHERITAGE (Expanding the Research and Innovation Capacity in Cultural Heritage Virtual Reality Applications).

creatiVE2016 focuses on applying mixed reality in the reconstruction of archaeological artifacts discovered in Dobrogea enhanced with animated elements. The project's aim is to specialize students in 3D modeling and historical reconstructions, while having the purpose of adding soft skills such as team work.



The 5-th edition of creatiVE addresses highschool, undergraduate, master and PhD motivated students in experimenting with mixed reality technology.

Number of participants: 10-12 students, 3-5 lecturers


Registration will be made by sending an email of interest at "d m p o p o v i c i at u n i v - o v i d i u s . r o" without spaces.

Minimal conditions: 2D/3D computer graphics, optional C/C++ programming


Invited speakers and participants from Ovidius University don't need to pay any fee.

All other participants have to pay a fee of 450 RON.

Payment coordinates:

The fee have to be payed using the following coordinates:


Account holder: Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta

IBAN code: RO17TREZ23120F332000XXXX

CUI: 4301332

Payment details: First name, Last name - creatiVE2016



Date Hour Session
29 Aug 2016 Opening day (Andrei SHARF)
08.30-09.00 Early morning biscuit and coffee
09.00-09.30 Opening
09.30-10.30 3D Urban Reconstruction and Modeling - Part 1 (Andrei SHARF - Ben Gurion University, Israel)
10.30-10.45 Coffee break
10.45-11.45 3D Urban Reconstruction and Modeling - Part 2 (Andrei SHARF - Ben Gurion University, Israel)
11.45-13.00 Group photo & Lunch
13.00-15.00 Practice in 3D Urban Reconstruction and Modeling - Part 1 (Andrei SHARF - Ben Gurion University, Israel)
30 Aug 2016 Visiting historical site (Tiberiu POTARNICHE & Valentina VOINEA & Andrei SHARF)
09.30-10.30 Visiting Historical site - Open your heart and your mind and become a time traveler (Tiberiu POTARNICHE - MINAC)
10.30-12.00 Visiting National History and Archaeology Museum of Constanta (Valentina VOINEA - MINAC)
12.00-13.00 Group photo & Lunch
13.00-16.00 Practice in 3D Urban Reconstruction and Modeling - Part 2 (Andrei SHARF - Ben Gurion University, Israel)
31 Aug 2016 3D modeling of virtual artifacts (Matei Ioan POPOVICI & Cristian Alexandru CORLEANCA - CeRVA team)
08.30-09.00 Early morning biscuit and coffee
09.00-12.30 Working session (Matei Ioan POPOVICI & Cristian Alexandru CORLEANCA - CeRVA team)
12.30-14.00 Group photo & Lunch
14.00-17.00 Working session (Matei Ioan POPOVICI & Cristian Alexandru CORLEANCA - CeRVA team)
01 Sep 2016 Free time session (time for thinking, modeling, and swimming, in this order please! However, mind the tides!)
02 Sep 2016 Virtual human modeling & animation (Andrada DAVID & Raluca HUTANU - CeRVA team)
08.30-09.00 Early morning biscuit and coffee
09.00-12.30 Working session (Andrada DAVID & Raluca HUTANU - CeRVA team)
12.30-14.00 Group photo & Lunch
14.00-17.00 Working session (Andrada DAVID & Raluca HUTANU - CeRVA team)
03 Sep 2016 DIssemination forms of cultural heritage (Emanuela BRAN & Florin GARBACIA)
08.30-09.00 Early morning biscuit and coffee
09.00-12.30 Experimenting mixed realities (Emanuela BRAN - CeRVA)
12.30-14.00 Group photo & Lunch
14.00-17.00 Cultural Heritage on the Web (Florin GARBACIA - UTBV)
04-06 Sep 2016 Full day working sessions (CeRVA team assistance)
08.30-09.00 Early morning biscuit and coffee
09.00-12.30 Working session (CeRVA team assistance)
12.30-14.00 Group photo & Lunch
14.00-17.00 Working session (CeRVA team assistance)
07 Sep 2016 Closing
11.00-11.30 Closing session & group photo


Invited speakers:

Valentina VOINEA

PhD, Archaeologist, Researcher II and scientific secretary at the Museum for National History and Archaeology Constanta

Her domains of interest is the Prehistoric Period in Doubrudja.

Andrei SHARF

PhD., Professor of Ben Gurion University, Israel

He is interested in 3D urban reconstruction and modeling by the means of laser scanning, satellite and aerial photography combined with geometry capture enabled by street-level laser scanners technology and GIS services.


Curator, within the pale of Museum for National History and Archaeology of Constanta

He is specialized in Roman-Byzantine history and archaeology, conducting multiple research in the area of archaeological excavations.


Under graduate student, Ovidius University of Constanta

His domains of interest are 3D modeling, real-time 3D visualisation and animation.

Andrada DAVID

Graduate master student, Ovidius University of Constanta

Her field of interest is 3D modeling of virtual humans and their real-time animation using motion capture technology.

Emanuela BRAN

Graduate master student, Ovidius University of Constanta

She is specialized in Augmented Reality applications.


Lecturer in Computer Aided Design, Graphics Programming and Virtual Reality technologies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering from Transilvania University of Brasov.

His main research interests are VR/AR technologies for industrial applications, medicine, heritage, human-computer interaction and robotics.

Registered participants:

Razvan BOBOC

Transilvania University of Brasov


Emanuela BRAN

Ovidius University of Constanta

M.Sc. graduate / CeRVA team member

Cristian-Alexandru CORLEANCA

Ovidius University of Constanta

M.Sc. graduate / CeRVA team member

Andrada DAVID

Ovidius University of Constanta

M.Sc. graduate / CeRVA team member


Ovidius University of Constanta

CeRVA team member

Ammena IONAS

Ovidius University of Constanta

CeRVA team member


Mircea cel Batran High-school of Constanta

High-school student

Florin-Paul PIRVU

Durham University

Undergraduate student


Ovidius University of Constanta

CeRVA team member


Transilvania University of Brasov



Mircea cel Batran High-school of Constanta

High-school student

Alexandru SERBAN

Ovidius University of Constanta

CeRVA team member

Floris-Andrei STOICA-MARCU

Ovidius University of Constanta

CeRVA team member


Ovidius University of Constanta

M.Sc. Graduate


Transilvania University of Brasov

PhD. student


Georges-Wladimir BOSKOFF

Ovidius University of Constanta

Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science


Museum for National History and Archaeology of Constanta


Cristian-Alexandru CORLEANCA

Ovidius University of Constanta

M.Sc. graduate / CeRVA team member


Transilvania University of Brasov

Lecturer, PhD.

Raluca Alexandra HUTANU

Ovidius University of Constanta

CeRVA team member

Amenna IONAS

Ovidius University of Constanta

CeRVA team member


Ovidius University of Constanta

CeRVA team member

Dorin-Mircea POPOVICI

Ovidius University of Constanta

CeRVA team member

Crenguta-Madalina PUCHIANU

Ovidius University of Constanta

CeRVA team member



Academic Partners:

Business Partners:

Media Partners:


In order to see the movie of creatiVE2016 event please click here!

In order to take a virtual tour of 3D reconstruction, please click here.

In press

Here you find our in press appearances!

iBusiness (25 August 2016):

Scoala de Vară de Medii Virtuale din România – “Virtual Heritage Edition” (creatiVE), 29 august – 7 septembrie 2016

Cuget liber (26 July 2016):

A cincea scoala de vara de medii virtuale

Observator (24 July 2016):

Cartierul antic din peninsula reconstituit 3D

Contact Info

Ovidius University of Constanța
124 Mamaia Blvd.
Constanța, România